Why is Visualization Important?
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Why is Visualization Important?

When you are confident about yourself and have 100% belief in your actions, it goes a long way in you moving up the ladder in life. Before taking any important decision in your life, you always wonder, what others would think of you if you fail, don't you? Instead, it is more important to analyze how much you trust yourself with that decision. If you are convinced that what you are doing is right, you don't have to justify yourself to anybody. It's a beautiful feeling to feel very confident about your life. However, did you know that the way you think has the power to increase your self-belief?

The art of visualization is compelling for boosting self-confidence, according to motivational speakers and experts. When you see yourself in a particular position talking confidently to a group of people, there is a very high probability for you to believe that you can climb greater heights than before. Having a clear view of the big picture and being able to put yourself there increases your chances of success. Here are some ways to use visualization to improve your self-confidence or self-belief.

1.Put yourself where you want to be in a few years.

Suppose you are a small boy who aspires to become a pilot when he grows up. In that case, you need to visualize yourself wearing the intelligent uniform of a pilot, flying a plane amidst turbulent weather, and taking the passengers safely to their respective destinations. Imagine talking to the control rook about instructions and having mental talks with your co-pilot on how you will plan your flight for the day. Visualize yourself living in a suitcase, traveling to different countries, and living a busy but satisfying life. As you keep visualizing, the urge to reach that position increases within you, automatically boosting your self-confidence.

2. Put yourself in your role model's position.

Are you a young basketball player who dreams of someday representing his country? Is Kobe Bryant your role model? You would have watched his games and techniques closely, but have you watched his body language? Watch how he walks into the stand to the loud noise of thousands of people chanting, "Kobe. Kobe..". How does he conduct himself on and off the field? How does he interact with other players, media, and everybody else? How does he react when his team loses? These are some of the points you have to follow. Now put yourself in the position of your role model. Change your body language and techniques to match your role model or father figure. You will surely build more confidence when you visualize yourself in a successful position.

In short, visualization is the technique of seeing the big picture and putting yourself in the picture's frame. This way, you can foresee the success that you are bound to experience many years later. When you imagine yourself as the next Kobe Bryant, you will only start working harder than ever to chase your dreams with an increased belief in yours

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